Map | Directions


The UBS Tower is located at One North Wacker Drive and bounded by Madison Street, Franklin Street, and Wacker Drive.

The UBS Tower is conveniently located near all major expressway exits and public transportation.

  • From the North on Interstate 90/94, exit at Monroe Street. Take Monroe Street East to Franklin Street, then one block North to Madison Street.
  • From the West on Interstate 290, exit at Wacker Drive/Franklin Street. Take Franklin Street North to Madison Street.
  • From the South on Interstate 55 take Interstate 90/94 and go North towards Wisconsin. Stay in the right lane and follow signs to Chicago Loop. Take Congress Parkway East and exit at Wacker Drive/Franklin Street. Take Franklin Street North to Madison Street.
  • If you are coming from the East or South on Interstate 90/94 stay in the right lane and follow signs to Chicago Loop. Take Congress Parkway East and exit at Wacker Drive/Franklin Street. Take Franklin Street North to Madison Street.

Parking for UBS Tower Conference Center attendees is conveniently located one block Northeast at Washington/Franklin at the Washington/Franklin self park. Please contact Enare Toussaint or Paul Ewesi at (312) 236-2600 for group arrangements.

The Conference Center | UBS Tower
One North Wacker Drive, Second Floor
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: (312) 327-2370 | Fax: (312) 327-2368
[email protected]

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Copyright © 2003 by The John Buck Company

Your packages for your planned event will be carefully received and stored. All correspondence must be addressed to:

Laura Marchese
The Conference Center at UBS Tower
One North Wacker Drive, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60606.

Please indicate company name and day of function on package.